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What Are the Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship?

Not all relationships are created equal. Some are absolutely amazing and lift you up, while others hold you back and keep you from being yourself. Problems in a teen relationship can be small things like texting too much, unnecessary drama, or a slight loss of focus. Or they can be major issues, like not wanting to spend time with their friends, acting overly jealous, or discontinuing activities they previously enjoyed. Here's a list of potential red flags that could be too serious to ignore. 


  • They start changing who they are to please the other person. It's great to try new things and have new experiences like visiting new places or participating in a new activity. It becomes a problem, if they start thinking, dressing, and acting different just because they want to please their partner. 


  • They begin losing self-confidence. A relationship should build a person up and not tear them down. If a person starts putting themselves down and making statements that sound like they came from someone else, then it's time to dig deeper into their relationships. 


  • Their partner is holding them back. Your teen may be a go-getter who likes to make good grades, be involved in activities, and hang out with their friends. If the person they are with doesn't have these same values and discourages them from pursuing their passions then they don't have their best interest in mind. 


  • The relationship has no trust. Trust is a major part of any relationship. No one wants to be looking over their shoulder to see if someone is gossiping, flirting, or talking bad about them behind their back. If they are spying on each other's texts or questioning their every move then trust is an issue.


  • Their partner is isolating them from everyone. It's normal in a relationship to want to spend a lot of time together, but sometimes too much time together can be suffocating. If one person makes their partner feel guilty for spending time with friends or family, and complains they don't see them enough then it's time to set some boundaries.


  • They are being treated in a harmful way. If someone is trying to hold all of the power and control how their partner acts then this is an extremely unhealthy relationship. This happens through physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Teens need to understand how to identify this behavior and ask for help if they are in this type of relationship.

Further Reading & Resources

51 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship (Alice Boyes Ph.D, Psychology Today)


Healthy Relationships = Respect & Trust (Teens Health)


Characteristics of Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships (



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