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Top 10 Ways To Create A Habit

  • Have a reason. Before you create a habit ask yourself why you are creating it. If you want to start exercising then it may be for better health, to build muscles, or get better at a sport. Knowing your reason "why" will help you stay motivated.


  • Keep it simple. It's easy to get super-excited about something and over-commit. Start slow and make it easy. You can add to it later. Instead of exercising for 1 hour a day ... why don't you start with 20 minutes? This will decrease your chance for burnout.


  • Replace bad habits. If you want to quit watching so much television, they why not replace some of that time with a new habit like taking a walk. It's much easier to put a new habit into your day if you can schedule it when you want to get rid of something. 


  • Post the habit. Write down your habit with all the specific details and post it where you can see it. Use post-it notes, set an alarm on your phone, or anything that makes it impossible to forget.


  • Do it everyday. A new habit takes practice and consistency. For example, if your habit is to start meditating then put it on your calendar and schedule it into your day. Practice makes perfect when creating a new habit.


  • Keep it the same. You want a habit to be something you hardly think about, so it's important not to make changes to it in the beginning. After 30 days if you want to tweak your new habit you can make some changes, because it will already be part of your routine.


  • Plan for success. Picture yourself reaching your goal with your new habit. If you're creating a habit to study more, so you can get better grades then visualize your report card with better grades.


  • Recruit your friends. Habits don't have to be a solitary effort. Grab a friend or relative to start the new habit with you. Do your new habit together or hold each other accountable by texting after it's completed.


  • Do it for 30 days. Starting a new habit takes time. In the beginning it's easy to forget or push it off for another day. Get out a calendar and start marking off the days. Eventually, you'll notice that your new habit has become automatic.


  • Reward yourself. Do you need a little motivation to stick to your 30-day commitment? Then bribe yourself with a reward at the end of 30 days. It may be the thing that keeps you going on the days you want to give up. 







Further Reading & Resources

The Power Of Good Habits, (Mind Tools)


7 Habits Of Highly Successful Teens, (Danielle Wood,


How Habits Work, (Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit)

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